3d printer mystery issue PLEASE HELP HELP WANTED!

So I own and ender 3v2 Neo and I have had it for about 2 years now, and everything was working fine until a couple of weeks ago when it started printing weird… little balls of filament were strewn across the print bed, It looked like a huge mess of filament mid print then it printed fine for the rest of it. It also has been printing worse quality and acting weird for example it gave me an error “nozzle and hotbed temperature to low to continue” and it takes longer to start when I flip the switch to turn it on. So here is what I tried: leveling the bed, turning my retraction up to 7mm, cleaning the bed, tightening the belts and screws, updating the firmware, auto leveling the bed, and replacing the nozzle… nothing worked. So I went to Creality forums, asked for help… so far no one has responded :frowning: so I hope this forum can be diferent and I can find help.
Here is a picture: (apologies for the bad resolution)