Hello all,
I just decided to go and upgrade my troublesome Anet A8’S, to the AM8 frame.
The extrusion quality was high, and to be expected.
No directions of course…like most stuff we get from overseas…
It was when it came to the assembly that I found things were lacking.
As seen here in the photos, they give you these little aluminum blocks, to tie the uprights to the base frame.
This creates a very flimsy connection to the two halves of this kit. This defeats the purpose of the kit in it’s entirety. Even if two blocks per front and back of each side are used.
I manufactured a set of 1.5" x 1.5" x1.5" angle brackets to replace these smaller ones, and now the frame not only rigid, but also square.
I am moving past the AM8 and going to all lead screw drive, with all metal assembly and an all metal direct drive Titan extruder.
I will also be increasing the vertical size of this printer to 350mm in all axis’s.
Should you be interested in any of this let me know.
I can post more of the build as I go.
Anyway, I hope this helps.