Benchy printing problems


I tried to print the Benchy boat, but had the following outcome (see photos) . Any clues for improving?


Printer: QIDI X-Plus
Filament: Amolen Silk Dual Color PLA 1.75mm

Retraction Distance: 1.5
Retraction Speed: 30
Layer Height: 0.2
Line Width: 0.4
Wall Line Count: 3
Top Layers: 4
Bottom Layers: 4
Fill Gaps Between Walls: Everywhere
Infill Density: 15%
Infill Pattern: Cubic
Z Seam Position: Back Right
Z Seam X: 270
Z Seam Y: 200
Print in Advance: yes
Build Plate: Brim
Brim Width: 8
Print Speed: 40
Wall Speed: 20
Top/Bottom Speed: 20
Travel Speed: 100
Min Layer Time; 10
Print Temp: 210
Build Plate Temp: 60
Enable Print Cooling: yes
Camber Loop: yes
Fan Speed: 100%
Z Offset: 0

Extremely bad layer fan cooling performance !

I would advice you to upgrade your layer fan duct if possible.