- 3D Printer Model: creality 3 V2 SE
- Slicer: cura
- Hardware Setup:
- Problem description:
The problem can be seen in the photos. I have no problem getting models with a small fotprint to stick. As soon as I try to print anyting with a large footprint, this happens. It sticks round the edges but the middle warps badly and the filament strands don’t stick to each other. - What I tried:
the bed is flat.
extruder is calibrated
PID values are calibrated - Settings
Extruder 190C
bed 65C
print speed 80%
first layer speed 40%
I posted on a couple other threads i have an Ender 3 Neo with the glass bed. As this looks like an adhesion problem, I had problems also. I cleaned the bed with alcohol, used stick glue, and hair spray. I finally used blue painter’s tape on the whole bed and had much better results.
Lower your bed temperature to 55º and increase your hotend temperature to 205º.
First layer printing speed 20mm/sec.
Layer fan OFF for the first layer.
Thank you. I’ll give it a try and let you know