My printer is an FLSun SUperRacer (SKR 1.3 clone motherboard) running Klipper on an FLSun Speeder Pad. The printer runs fine and everything works. For those unfamiliar with the Speeder Pad, it is a color touch screen packaged with a Raspberyy Pi clone that runs the Klipper firmware.
My problem is I can’t make an SSH connection to the Speeder Pad using MobaXterm because the pad rejects the password I give it. The default password for Speeder Pad’s is flsun, all lower case. That’s the password I’ve given it. To ensure the password is correct I reloaded the Speeder Pad’s firmware using the FLSun source, and I still have the password rejected. SO I don’t think reloading the pad’s firmware again will solve my problem.
No one on any of the FLSun Facebook groups seems to have a resolution for this. So I’m posting here with the hope that someone who knows about Klipper etc. may have a suggestion on what I should do.