How to Install Klipper on Creality Ender 3 S1 Pro: Config and Setup

I am having issues with my install. Everything functions well, the axis move as expected and travel as commanded, however when I print any stl it starts out great until I reach 1 mm layer height then the z axis will not go any higher and the nozzle make a ground up mess of over extrusion. In mainsail it shows the commanded layer height but the actual layer height refuses to go up even if I hit the button to increase the z offset during printing.

Is it possible that you have a bind in the leadscrews? Can you use the buttons to move the Z axis up?

I have followed your guide and successfully connected to Klipper
through USB from a desktop PC running Ubuntu. That is with Your config file which went to serial (/dev/serial/by-id/usb-la86_USB-Serial-if00-port0). All was working fine untilā€¦

After an ubuntu upgrade, I cant find dev/serial folder anymore. Thereā€™s nothing as such.
Kiauh finds the MCU on UART, and the MCU ID is ttyS0
lsusb says the QuinHeng Electronics CH340 serial converter is on Bus 005 Device 003 with ID la86:7523

with the original config file which was pointed at /dev/serial/by-idā€¦
Moonraker cannot connect to Klipper, and Klippy log says no such file or folder.
Same happens if I amend the config file to /dev/bus/usb/005/003.

Note: in menuconfig I selected USB, not UART, but wasnt working either way

I am new to 3Dprinting, Linux as a whole and Klipper but I am badly stuck here.

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Hi @3DPrintBeginner I was Patreon recently and I downloaded your profiles for the Ender 3 S1 (I got the Pro).
A few days ago I installed the Klipper Firmware, everything works perfect (except the abl still doesnt work perfect but its fine)
Now I imported your Ideamaker Klipper Profile, there are also PLA, PETGā€¦ Profiles but not specific for Klipper which one are u using?. I was wondering about the acceleration. In the Profile its disebaled but in this guide you printed it with an acceleration of 3000.
Maybe I have an old version of your profile.


In case if anybody else ends up where I did,
After digging for a long while I have found out that the BRLTTY is the culprit.
as it occupies 1a86:7523
sudo apt remove brltty
ā€¦has resolved the problem

Thanks for your time, and thank you for the config

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Iā€™m getting ready for first install of Klipper and Iā€™m going to use this guide. Mtft50 was just ordered, so Iā€™ve got a few days to read up and install what I can.

In the picture above, is the screen mounted with the Pi? Iā€™ve got a 4b and was just thinking on the same thing. You mind sharing STL? or link to?

Thanks, Cody

Ho la Ender 3s1 pro bloccata mentre inserivo il firmware ufficiale. Vorrei installare klipper ma come faccio a sapere se la scheda del s1 pro ĆØ ancora intatta?

have the Ender 3s1 pro locked while entering the official firmware. I would like to install klipper but how do i know if the s1 pro card is still intact?

Hello, do you know if the RX and TX pins are connected somewhere on the board? I would rather connect the raspberry directly to the board than to the USB which is on the front. Unfortunately, I couldnā€™t find the pin for this board anywhere.

Encountered an issue when uploading G-code after following this excellent tutorial. An error occurred stating that the G-code file could not be read. I was able to fix it through SSH and the commands posted by Arksine / moonraker on Github. The commands are as follows:

cd ~/moonraker
git pull

I do not quite understand how this fixed the issue and what the issue was in the first place so if anyone can explain I would love to hear it!

Hello, I found this article and would like some advice: I am redoing a Longer LK5 Pro printer. Itā€™s kind of a Frankenstein project, Iā€™m adding an AC heated bed and a Creality Sprite extruder, so Iā€™m installing a matching Ender 3 S1 Pro motherboard (Iā€™ll edit the firmware to correct the bed size). Iā€™d like to run Klipper, so your article caught my eye. My main question at this point is if I need the Ender touchscreen or if the install can be done w/o it. I plan on getting the 5" touchscreen you linked. Iā€™d like to avoid buying stuff I donā€™t need. Thanks for any advice.

The Ender screen doesnā€™t work. So no need to buy it anyway

Thanks. I was thinking Iā€™d need it to set up the machine so I could follow your guide.

Thanks! removing brltty fixed my issue too when using linux mint on an old PC.

Thank you for your guide.

Iā€™m waiting for my S1 Pro and preparing klipper before it arrives.

For calibration, whatā€™s the order: PROBE_CALIBRATE for Z Offset, then ā€˜BED_MESH_CALIBRATEā€™ ?

And after, in start gcode, how i load calibration?

I couldnā€™t run abl with this configuration

Thank you for all your support and contributions to this community!!!

Can you share again the ā€œHow to revert to Stock Ender 3 S1 Pro Firmware?ā€. This is not displayed in the webpage becuase ā€œThis video is unavailableā€

Iā€™m planning to do this upgrade to my Ender 3 S1 Pro, but was interested on watching that video just in case something happens.

Hope you are doing well.

I just got my ender s1 pro, and wanted to ask if this guide is still viable or if there has been an update in the guide?
also wanted to ask if there is a way to use the stock display for anything at all regarding the printer.

Thank you in advance and this has been the best guide I have found so far for installing klipper .

Bro you are awesome thx a lot

I am following your tutorial and is unable to flash klipper, tried changing names, tried putting it into the correct directory, made sure I am use f401. I donā€™t know why itā€™s not working