Klipper and Creality Box

So I’m trying to install klipper on an 301 chip Ender S1 Pro

I’ve set everything up but moonsail gives me " Unable to open temperature file ‘/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp’ "

From moonraker log:

2022-09-08 13:05:48,454 [klippy_connection.py:_on_connection_closed()] - Klippy Connection Removed
2022-09-08 13:05:49,759 [klippy_connection.py:_do_connect()] - Klippy Connection Established
2022-09-08 13:05:50,317 [klippy_connection.py:_init_klippy_connection()] - Webhooks Subscribed
2022-09-08 13:05:50,366 [klippy_connection.py:_init_klippy_connection()] - GCode Output Subscribed
2022-09-08 13:05:50,423 [klippy_connection.py:_check_ready()] - Unable to open temperature file ‘/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp’

Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the “RESTART”
command to reload the config and restart the host software.
Printer is halted

It has something to do with temperature readout from creality box CPU? Does it even have a temperature sensor?

I don’t have the folders thermal/thermal_zone0/temp on the openwrt.

Can anyone help?

You can try editing out the temperature from the config, if there’s any

Which config? Have you experienced such error with creality box as well?

The printer.cfg. I don’t have it anymore, so can’t really say for sure if anything changed.
It worked when I used it.

It’s not in the printer.cfg.

The error has something to do with moonraker:
Scroll down to “Get Moonraker Process Stats”

Unfortunately, this is where my knowledge of programming stops.

Inn case anyone stumbles across this, it’s happening because the temp sensor module is enabled which may not exist on every device (i’m using a beagle bone so i don’t have one)…

remove these lines from the printer.cfg to disable it:

    [temperature_sensor Raspberry_Pi]
    sensor_type: temperature_host
    min_temp: 0
    max_temp: 100