Sidewinder X1 upgrade target -> 100 mm/s

Hello all,
I do many modification in the past on my X1 (PEI, Mellow aero Wind, Z mods, spool…) and my new target is to print clean and fast on it (100 mm/s).

I upgrading the bed with 2 linear rails and 4 guides, silicone mount and the PEI.
I upgrading the extruder with linear rail (1 or 2 i don’t know).
I don’t touch the Z because i don’t think it’s necessary.

I install a SKR 1.4 turbo board with TMC2209 v1.2 and UART mode (i wait wifi module ESP01s and sutdown module v1.2) and i have a TFT35 v3 to install, Marlin etc.

Did you think that was complicated to print at 100 mm/s with this configuration ? Or i need to install other firmware/hardware ?

i think buy this extrudeur kit for win some grams Trianglelab – extrudeuse à commande directe, pour V6 HOTEND creality 3D Ender3/pro Ender5 CR10 CR10S BLv | AliExpress

my Mellow aero Wind kit weigh 551gr.

The printer before beginning SKR modifications

I can’t see Klipper mentioned there, so if you really want to speed things up, that’s the next logical step.
Spoken like a true Vulcan :smiley:

Yes, all the people said that to me for a real evolution of speed.

I have a Rasp Pi 3 somewhere in the house :sweat_smile: but i don’t have a computer with linux :roll_eyes:

And with Klipper i don’t need to install the TFT35 ? So i can install the Rasp in that place :thinking: and i need a little tv or computer screen :thinking:

The Pi is enough. You can use any web broweser to control the printer, from a computer or a phone.

Ok, thanks for your answer.

What do you think about the DDE-O V2 of Trianglelab in link before ?

Trianglelab – extrudeuse à commande directe, pour V6 HOTEND creality 3D Ender3/pro Ender5 CR10 CR10S BLv | AliExpress

I like the compact design, it’s light, bimetal heatbreak insteed of the allmetal, 3dtouch of TL direct mount and it would be a good extruder for me :slightly_smiling_face:

And this nozzle for print at 100mm/s with good flow BondTech Buse CHT Laiton Nickelé M6 x 1,75 mm - 3DJake France

I finaly chose my extruder and parts.
I order a DDE-S kit from Trianglelab (Sherpa mini) and a Slice Engineering Copperhead with a Bondtech CHT nozzle
I take same HB et Nozzle for put in the Obsidian :slight_smile:

Now let’s go for installing the linear rail for the bed :wink:

Have a good day.

Why not install Klipper first then see if there’s a noeed for other upgrades?
The stock firmware won’t allow you to print faster even if you add other upgrades that you mentioned.

The bed modification is for “no maintenace” and movement more smooth.

The last modification would be linear rail for extruder, and after i hope to have a printer more fast and durable (i don’t have any problem on it since 2019, just the original extruder and gears on the Mellow Wind).

It’s an occupation too and a test for me for see if what i think is good or not :wink:

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