X3 pro stops feeding / extruding

  • 3D Printer Model: Sidewinder X3 Pro
  • Hardware Setup: all original
  • Problem description: After printing for a (longer) while, the printer stops feeding filament (PetG).
  • What I tried: remove filament, feed filament, clean nozzle

When feeding filament, it first is pulled in a few centimeters, but then does not go any further. This allready happened one time, I managed to get it printing again, but this time nothing works.
The stop of feed occured (both time) during print, one time about 75%, the next time about 50%. Everyting was working well until no more filament is extruded (but printing goes on and, in the first case, the printer dais the print was finished).

Can’t find a way to open the head to see whats going on so…

Will try heating more and see if it helps.

Actually answering myself - what helped was heating (I heated up to 300°C) and feeding (PLA this time).
I will try PLA and see if the feeding problem occurs again. Not so confident in this printer head however…